Friday 11 October 2019

Death of Supertradmum

Dear Supertradmum, author of the blog Etheldreda's Place, died yesterday. The news was tweeted by Fr Finigan. Please pray for her soul, and for the comforting of her son.

Saturday 10 August 2019

Young Catholic Adults' Weekend, 25-27 Oct 2019

I am happy to pass on this message from Young Catholic Adults:

Young Catholic Adult Weekend @ Douai Abbey 25th - 27th Oct 2019 (18-40 yrs)

Are you 18-40, do you want to deepen your knowledge of the Catholic faith, learn its devotions and meet like minded people? Young Catholic Adults are organizing a weekend at Douai Abbey in Berkshire. You’ll be able to hear catechetical talks (e.g. from Associate Editor of the Catholic Herald and author Stephen Bullivant), learn how to sing Gregorian Chant, say the Rosary, socialize and have fun. Book soon as places are limited!

Prices start from £25.

To book go to:-

For updates go to:-

For more details go to:-

(I'm sorry I can't attach the links properly, but I'm sure you can copy and paste them into your search engine.)

Thursday 18 July 2019

Please pray for dear Supertradmum

I have just seen a post on Fr Z's blog, relaying a poignant message he has received from our dear Supertradmum, author of the blog Etheldredasplace. She is extremely ill and may be close to death. Please, of your undoubted kindness, pray for her, and for her son.