Tuesday 15 October 2013

Cheltenham TLM returning: same day, different time

Good news from Canon MacDonald, parish priest of the church of St Gregory the Great in Cheltenham. This is from the parish newsletter for Sunday 13th October 2013:

I’m pleased to announce that Fr Ian McCarthy of Stow on the Wold has kindly agreed to take on responsibility for the monthly Latin Mass in the older form of the liturgy. As before the Mass will be offered on the first Wednesday of the month, recommencing on 6th November. Please note that the time of these Masses has been moved from 6.00pm to 7.00pm.
Warm thanks to the following for their kindness and all their good work:

- to Canon MacDonald, for making the church available
- to Fr McCarthy of Stow, who has offered the traditional Mass at St Gregory’s on a number of occasions before this new arrangement
- to Fr Redman of Dursley, who has offered it until now

- and particularly to the sacristan, Heather, who makes everything ready and welcoming for the steadily-growing congregation.

God bless, one and all!

Saturday 12 October 2013

What does “Lesus” mean?

When the news broke of the misprint of the name of Jesus on the new papal medals, one of my first reactions (and a rather frivolous one) was to wonder if the word “Lesus” meant anything.

The same idea had evidently occurred elsewhere: a commenter on another blog mentioned that someone in Mexico (I think) had discussed the meaning. The commenter did not pass it on, apart from the clue in her spelling of it, which was “L(a)esus”. I thought I would check it out in my Latin dictionary, thinking, of course that it might mean something rather apt.

“Laesus” is the past participle of the verb “laedo” – I hurt, wound, injure, damage. Its figurative meaning is: trouble, annoy, vex, injure, insult, offend, afflict, grieve, hurt.

Latin diphthongs are often simplified, as you know. It is interesting to see that the English word “lesion” comes from the same verb.

Of all the meanings it might have had …